Sunday 22 January 2012

Wiitle Peopo

Wittlw peopo come to bisit me howse las niwt. I duz not wike wittle peopo. Dey takes me bown and dey twies to wide me. I twi to wun away fwom dem but dey jus keeps fowoing me evwewhewe. Finawe I jus bited won of dem but den me mom sed bad Noni and I had to go to my woom. Oni gess wat. It was nice in my woom cuz der wer no wittle peopo in der. But dont tell me mom. Oni noni nos.

<-- Me face wen dey cum wunnin at me to stwango me face

1 comment:

  1. Noni is very funnie! she makes me giggle1 he he he he he! -love Olivia
